The Business Driver Solution
Our proprietary Business Driver Solution is specially designed to drive more sales opportunities by reaching and communicating
with your ideal customers through targeted industry media. We use our proprietary Front-and-Center process to expand your credibility, grow your visibility and attract more business opportunities. The program will help you stand out and build opportunities to drive your business. Benefits for doing this work include:
Becoming the No.1 trusted brand in the food and beverage ingredients industry by getting positive exposure in the right places.
Positioning yourself as the go-to expert in the industry and solidifying your brand as the first choice for your customers.
Telling your unique story in a way that attracts customers and drives your business goals.
Getting professional guidance from industry-specific PR experts so that you’re seen everywhere that matters.
Bottom line, we’re going to help you stand out and build relationships so that you grow your business.
Gone are the days when corporations had one-way communication with their audiences. Now public relations is about building relationships and talking with customers. Finesse PR excels at just that.
We believe our clients can be memorable without sacrificing their ethics or the public’s trust and respect. We help make that happen by providing counsel and collaborating with you to:
Identify and capitalize on emerging opportunities to communicate with your target audience
Pinpoint your message, strategy and call to action
Support your business objectives and organizational goals to get you to the next level
Tell your unique story
Advance your cause
Generate goodwill
A Holistic Approach
Social media is a necessity in today’s world, in addition to the need for traditional communications and public relations. Finesse PR offers a variety of service capabilities and tools, including:
Communications and media audits
Content development
Crisis communications planning
Focused media relations
Media training
Monitoring and evaluation
News releases
Opportunity mining
Product launches
Reputation management
Social media strategy and outreach
Special event and exhibition planning
Conference programs
Media functions/tours
News conferences
Speaker panels
Trade show PR/representation
Strategic public relations and planning
Most importantly, we will help you navigate and optimize the many tools available to best achieve your goals.