When you, your team or your company has done something remarkable, you want the word to get out. That’s understandable, and today there are options to launch and control that message: blogs and social media posts, just to name two.
But unless you’re a Kardashian, a DIY approach to exposure can result in The Greatest Story Never Told. Sure, the people who follow you online will see it, but chances are they’re already friends and supporters. How can you reach a wider audience?
Enter the story pitch.
This is the part of a strategic media relations plan that puts you in the spotlight and lets us leverage the many journalists, influencers and other contacts in our network. Some call it “smiling and dialing,” but it is much more than that. What we’re doing is putting your story — and a lot of other information about you — in front of a carefully curated group of print, television and online reporters, bloggers and industry influencers who can take the news and amplify it.
And when we say “carefully curated,” we mean it. We’ve been on the other side, and no journalist likes being hounded to run with a story that doesn’t make sense for his/her beat or isn’t a great news hook. That’s why we put you, and your story, out with:
Plenty of “meat”: facts, figures, case studies and WIIFTR (what’s in it for the reader)
Trends and talking points
Your expertise and why you’re a source worth talking/listening to
The industry’s challenges and opportunities and why this news fits that narrative
Going from one to many by cultivating media
The beauty of this approach is that once a reporter learns you’re for real and can provide great quotes and insights, they’ll keep coming back. That means your future endeavors have a better chance of coverage, and also that they’ll call you for an expert opinion when they’re writing other stories. That translates into more brand recognition and visibility in the marketplace.
The end result of a single, well-placed story pitch can be a solid article about a new product or offering. It can be inclusion in a larger, longer trends article. It can be a short, insightful video interview. These pieces build on each other and quickly add up to a substantial portfolio that can then be pitched on its own, making your voice one that industry watchers and media are clamoring for.
And what can you do when they call? Certainly, you can offer thoughts on the issue at hand (and we’ll make sure you’re well prepared to do so). Also, you can make mention of how your company, and your products, are engaged and involved. Then watch what happens to client engagement and sales.
Ready to talk media strategy? Contact us at 608-695-6510 or shoot us a note on LinkedIn.